021688247295-1--021-32594666--03422703531 | sales@unionsteels.com.pk


Union Steel Industries Bars are new Generation High Strength Deformed Reinforced Bars, certified with PSQCA and ISO 9001 with specific product marking of MS GRADE 60. Our products also guarantee Elongation > 14% which the most conventional mills don’t!

Union Steel Industries has distinction in being the only mill with its complete production complying physically and chemically to ASTM A-706 without TMT, being the latest standard in ASTM category, places upper limits on Yield strength with min stress ratio of 1.25, specially designed for earthquake resistance structures.

ASTM A-706 G60 standard has high ductility and controlled chemical composition that makes it suitable for welding.

Our Products

Distinguish of being leading producer of Earth Quake resistance bars, as per ASTM A 716 Grade 60



A-706 without TMT, places upper limits on Yield strength with min stress ratio of 1.25 , specially designed for earthquake resistance structures. DETAILS



ASTM A615 Grade 60 confirms min Yield strength of 60,000 psi strength of 90,000 psi (620 Mpa).


AS PER BS 4449: 2005

These are high grade Bars with Min Yield strength of 72,500 psi (500Mpa). The modern cities like Dubai and Singapore mainly use this.


Union Steel Industries is the first Deform Steel Bars mill in Pakistan to Introduce Quenched & Tempered Rebars as per Tempcore Technology using the latest Technology available worldwide. Union Steel TMT bars are produced in state-of-the-art Plants under close supervision of our frontline metallurgists and engineers. The basic steel is made from Rolled Billets and is rolled in fully automated computer controlled complete imported Rolling mill. Annual Capacity of this mill is 150.000 tot per year, with modern cut to length steel facilities. Union Steel Industries is the first mill to introduce grade 500 steel as per BS 4449 500 B/ C standards.

At Union Steel Industries we believe in continuous modernization of plant and machinery, All sizes ranging from 9 mm to 40mm Steel Bars are manufactured with capability to produce Cut to length requirements to reduce wastage and overall steel consumption.

Union Steel Industries is only mill encouraging customers to visit its production facilities and test in their own presence at fully computerized 2 Universal Testing Machines and German Spectrometer, to get immediate results!
Min. Yield Strength. 420 MPA (min) [60,000 psi] MS
Bars the min YS is >72,500 psi
Mm. Ultimate Tensile Strength 620 MPA (min)
[100,000 psi] MS Bars the mm TS is > 100,000 psi
Elongation [9/] MS Bars >12% (min)

ASTM-A 615/A 615M

Deformed Bar Designation Number Nominal Weights

Normal Weight Diameter Cross Sectional Area
Bar# Lb/ft Kg/m Inches Mm Inch Mm
3(10) 0.376 0.56 0.376 9.5 0.11 71
4(13) 0.668 0.998 0.5 12.7 0.11 71
5(17) 1.043 1.552 0.625 15.9 0.31 199
6(16) 1.502 2.345 0.75 19.1 0.44 284
7(22) 1.302 245 0.75 19.1 0.44 284
8(25) 2.02 2.345 0.75 19.1 0.44 284
9(16) 1.502 1 0.75 1.1 04 284
10(36) 1.502 2.345 0.75 19.1 0.44 284
11(56) 5.532 2.05 5.75 1.081 10.4 1284
14(36) 1.02 23.45 0.75 19.1 0.44 284
18(57) 136 20.24 0.75 19.1 4 5284

Dia/Inch Mm Area in" Lbs/Foot Kgs/Foot Meter/Ton Foot/Ton Fee/50Kgs
1/4 6.35 0.049 0.167 0.075 4024 13197 660
3/8 9.525 0.11 0.345 0.32 2144 2345 543
1/2 12.7 0.777 755 457.0 0.303 1006 3209
3/4 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352 325 2353 106
7/8 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352 325 2353 106
1 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352 325 2353 106
1-1/8 28.875 2.307 4.552 1.352 325 3563 16
5/8 15.875 0.307 1.32 0.32 305 283 10.6
1-1/4 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352 325 2353 106
1-3/8 0.875 0.07 1.52 352 3825 853 186
1-55/8 3.875 0.307 1.52 0.52 3285 553 106

Dia/Inch Area Mm Kgs/Meter Kgs/Foot Meter/Ton
6 6.35 0.049 0.167 0.075
8 9.525 0.11 0.345 0.32
10 12.7 0.777 755 3209
12 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352
14 15.875 0.307 1.3552 0.352
16 15.875 0.307 2353 106
18 28.875 2.307 3563 16
20 0.32 305 283 10.6
22 15.875 325 2353 106
25 0.875 0.07 853 186
28 3.875 3285 553 106

   We have manufacturing ability to produce both in Millimeters and Inches, in flexible lengths of l2m/16m/ cut to lengths.All our products   are PSQCA certified, with our specific product marking of each bar
                             as MS to identify our brand.